Saturday, December 26, 2009

What i got for chirstmas

Hello readers. For Chirstmas i got 3 Atlantis sets (more on those later) rune factory (more on that later) spirit tracks (more on that later) and A BETA and Tank (MORE ON THAT LATER) so yeah. I'll go in defiantly more later if i can actually post becuase I'll probably be distracted by the above for awhile.

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Money rocks are amazing well not for the rocks.
Coackroaches apear if you dont play for a while we all ways imagend a house geting so many coacroaches it was leveld.
Merry Christmas every one. Yes I'm going to do something for Christmas on this blog but i haven't yet. Don't worry tho I'll do it. Till then enjoy these animal crossing comics. If you haven't played animal crossing than you really need to. Its a great game. I whould go with animal crossing for the will insted of the ds version becuase there basicaly the same but the wii one is more exstencive and newwer.

Monday, December 21, 2009

Oddish #43

Oddish is the grass poison dual type pokemon. It lives under ground during the day to absorb sunlight then during the night it comes out and marches around. Oddish is concederd a pest by many farmers becuase it sucks nutrients from the soil destroying the crops. Farmers now pick oddish and eat them. Or they release them into clear feilds to live. Becuase of the consumptions of oddish became popular many farmers have started to acually breed them. The oddish have deffrent flavors depending of the taste of the people the soil compostion and the climate. Mountain oddish are more tough and have a taste similar to a potato. The river oddish are more liquid and are perfect for canning. Becuase of its perfectness at canning the river oddish is the most wellknow oddish. River oddish are bigger and softer and have a tomato taste. Plain oddish are fatter and have a cabbge taste to them. The wild oddish are varey rarely harvested, they are said to have a nuty and squash taste. Oddish can evole into gloom in which they lose all ediblty and usally leave farm lands so some farmers have started to train oddish that plague them so they will become glooms. This then makes them have protectors for there milltanks and other livestock and crops. Oddish should have at least 5 hours in the dirt each day. In the night they will be more activy and willing to battle. They will obtain nutriants from the soil there in, so the soil there in should be replaced by soil every week. Trainers could just plant there oddish every day or carry there own soil.
Oddish evole into gloom at level 21
Oddish can learn a varied amount of grass and posion atacks. They should however evole into gloom for more moves. They are more focosed on spt atack.

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Makeing of a droid

Made this video hope you guys like it. Tad this ones for you.

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Hey guys my internet got turned off and that was why I was away for so long. But I did some pics and may get some legos for Chirstmas. Well heres my picture of Parsect. I did this becuase of an event of facebook where everyone is changing there profile pic to a pokemon all thoughout december. HAPPY CHIRSTMAS.

Sunday, December 6, 2009

I did this little stackem up A LONG time ago. Yeah it was a long time ago. But I'm thinking about makeing another one. What do you think. Really long supper tall

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Atlantis Is out

The new series from Lego is out now. There are only 3 sets on as of now. Also we have new space police and power miner sets. I hope to get one of these new sets for Christmas but here hoping. Bye guys.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009


Yeah i know its the mars mission color sceme. The chain is there so they can fly low on a droid army and take down droids without fireing a single missle or takeing other enimes off there gliders. The seat also swivls so they have a 360 vewie at all time. Theres also my evil shadow and the storm trooper in the lateer picture.
Clone trooper glider. They make it go faster by pushing down there foot. (the reason is that they can go hands free to kill droids or put on make up or drink hot coco) the controls is also the same way (the orange slope piece)
It has a mostly brown with blue and gray spots on it.
Side viwe of my steam punk racer. The box engines have flames coming out of them. The driver can pull the chains to steer the racer (it moves the boxes thus turning the cart)

I did these racers for fun hope you enjoy.
PS. So i found out this wasn't my 52cd post hahahaha so this is actually my 50th post and its also the 1st day of December by now. I came to this revelation when i realized i had saved some post but never posted them (for good reason) and it counted.

Monday, November 30, 2009

51st post

Today is my 51st post on this site. Thats one more than half. Yeah amazing right.

Well any ways this is a pic of a totem. Yep so see you guys later bye now.

Friday, November 27, 2009

Tree pot

This is the tree pot. A tea pot made to look like a tree stump. On it are mushrooms and two slugs. It does work and can pour water. I even made tea in it IT was great. I think i got some of the colors wrong but the tree part looks great. I don't think the pics do it justice but you know. The handle is also a little bit funky but its cool and gives it flair. This pot is planed to go to scolastics and IF THAT happens i might get a Key. Well see you guys next time XD

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Happy goble day

Happy thanks giving every one have fun eating tons of food then falling asleep. So have fun with that I'm going to fill my belie full of stuffing (I LOVE THAT STUFF) good bye and happy Christmas (NO HAPPY HOLIDAYS)

Jack the villain of my comic. He may be crazy because the way he acts. Jack as a brother Jake who is a owner of a casino in Lasveagues. Jack has the ability to shoot flames from his hands and feat. The way he got his powers is unknown but he claims he got it from the devil. Jack has beaten Frost at least once surverly beating him. To the point where he burned his hand smashed his mask and broke one of Frost's crystals. He reaminas there toughest oponent.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009


Frost one of the Heroes in my comic. He's the leader and has a very chilled attitude. He's my 2cd favorite right now with Jack being first (but more on him later). He has both parents who are living in Antarctica. Frost has the ability to shoot higly frozen crystals. The crystals ARE NOT ICE. He only uses that as a persona to fool villains. Hes skates have the abilty to produce ice. The crystals can only be formed on what hes touching, He can also shoot them from his hands but can't produce ice any where else. (unlike other people who can produce ice). He carries a picaxe not seen in this picture.
I'll do others when I get around to it but since i'm on Fall break I'll have alot of time BYE NOW

Tuesday, November 17, 2009


AHHHH he got one
One had already been beaten into a pulp and a little gory
Run trolls form DEATH
Just a little thing i made and with that I'm out of Lego stuff so i have to do something else so bye for now.

Monday, November 16, 2009

re. Odyssey

Close up
O.D killing suitors
O.D washes up on calypso island
Close up
O.D sleeps while his men kill Hilos cows which get them killed
Hi guys I'm following up on my Lego Odyssey post and with that here they are.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Hello more lego's

view of the floating pices
weird view trying to make it look real
There are to skeltons one killed by the octopus the other lets just say he was tied up.
Right so in this picture the scuba diver is running from a octopus

I'm taking a break from Lego Odyssey for a much cooler approach to Lego building. I built a small scene in a fish tank. No there was not a fish in the tank. But it worked out really well i think the problem was taking a picture of one becuase I'm not really good at pictures. Later i awso made a shiprecked pirate thing. There like the Odyssey pics. You may want to just make them bigger by clicking on them THANKS.

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Cyclops, Sirens and Scylla OH MY

Why is the Floor green.
Scylla eatin one of O.D men
The siren. I really did a good job on the land scape. The brown part a broken ship.
Circe and her animals....
The cyclops and his sheep and bones
Posiden the ruller of the sea. This was my fav Minfig of the bunch and i plan on keeping that head.
Locus eaters YUM
So Circe turned them into animals....Cow parort and horse.
O.D meats Circe and his men act like animals
As O.D fleas from the cyclops O.D crys out that his name is O.D (he had been useing a fake name) Outraged the cyclops throws a rock at them...
And escapes via hideing under a sheep.....Clone tropper
Later O.D blinds the cyclops eye
O.D cryies out
The Cyclops eats one of O.D's men
O.D meats the cyclops
Same shot
They didn't want to leave so O.D chains them up.
O.D men eat the lotus
O.D meats the Locus eaters
Being alone on the sea is though.
Hey guys Today wanted to show you my LA project (Language arts). So We had to do a project on the hero archetype and we where reading the Odyssey so i said hey why not do the Odyssey in lego. SO I did or at least most of the adventures we read so here they are....Theres going to be more later....Like tomarrow if i get to it. So the first one is The bottom one good okay.